5 mins read

Is Botox a Gateway Drug?

Botox, or Botulinum Toxin, is a neurotoxic protein produced by the bacterium clostridium botulinum. (Wow- that’s a mouth full!) Despite the fact that it is the most toxic protein known, it is used world over in minute quantities to treat muscle spasms. Administered properly, it prevents a muscle from contracting …

9 mins read

Four Money Traps Every Mom Should Know

The last thing I expected as I headed up the freeway from San Diego to Los Angeles was a money trap. Traffic? Yes. Frustration and delays? Naturally. But a money trap? Never. Halfway there I had a choice: jump on a wide-open toll road or sit in a sea of traffic only to arrive at my appointment sweaty and swearing. It was an easy but costly decision: my $6.50 toll quickly turned into a …