3 mins read

Baby Stages During Pregnancy

Learning you are pregnant can be great news. Adjusting to the thought of becoming a new mother can have you walking on clouds one moment and chewing your fingernails in distress the next. Not only is your body changing right under your eyes, your baby is rapidly getting ready for life outside your womb. Like many mothers, you may want to begin keeping track of your child’s milestones even before he is born.

4 mins read

Are Breast Enlargement Pills Dangerous?

Breast enlargement pills promise that you can go up a cup or two the natural way, with some marketers claiming that it only takes a month or two to notice pronounced results. But natural breast enhancement supplements, which contain a cocktail of herbs and other botanicals, may not be as safe as you think, says the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Moreover, they’re not likely to give you the eye-popping results you so desire.

3 mins read

First Signs & Symptoms of Pregnancy

Possible pregnancy can turn you into a detective. You probably have not been so alert for signs and symptoms since you first suspected he had an engagement ring stashed somewhere. Women have many stories about pregnancy signs. Some women claim to know right when conception occurs. Tales of intuition are amusing but only facts help soothe an overactive mind. Some common signs of pregnancy might occur before you are late for your period.

2 mins read

Traveling Mysteries and Annoyances

Lately I’ve been traveling alone for some work functions and conferences. Not having to wrangle kids has given me the opportunity to notice some of the other things going on in the travel world. In short, it has opened my eyes to some very annoying things going on at airports everywhere. 1) When I travel…