1 min read

How to Get Rid of Wrinkles From Clothes

As if doing the laundry wasn’t already a nuisance, you sometimes have to worry about your shirts and pants emerging from dryer a wrinkly mess. You have several options to get rid of wrinkles, from breaking out your iron to simply acting fast and taking your clothing out of the dryer before it has time to wrinkle. Save time and wait until you have several garments before trying to remove wrinkles.

3 mins read

How to Shop for Pregnancy Clothes

The body changes that accompany pregnancy often provide a convenient opportunity to clothing shop. As your baby makes his presence known and your once taunt tummy expands into a rotund orb blocking your view of your toes, you will need to replace your current favorite clothes with items better suited to your new body. To ensure that you get the most bang for your buck and properly fill your closet with pieces to get you through your pregnancy, be prepared when heading out on your maternity clothing shopping expedition.

2 mins read

Clothes to Hide Pregnancy

If you’re starting to show but aren’t quite ready to tell friends, family or co-workers about your pregnancy, clothes that hide your growing belly can be a help. Traditional maternity fashions will make you look more pregnant, rather than less, but choosing slightly oversized clothing in different styles can help you disguise your pregnancy.

3 mins read

How to Look Slimmer

Pregnancy. Illness. Busy schedules. Holidays. Whatever the reason, we all put on weight every now and then. Losing that excess weight might take a while, but that doesn’t mean you have to hide in a potato sack–or in your bedroom–until you are down to your ideal weight. In fact, receiving compliments on flattering clothes can motivate you to stay on your weight-loss regimen. While there are a number of suggestions for looking slimmer, they are not a one-size-fits-all. Experiment with these tips to see what works for you.