2 mins read

Side Effects of Too Much Protein in Your Diet

Protein is an essential part of the diet, necessary for supplying amino acids and building healthy muscles. Athletes often consume high levels of protein to help their bodies build more muscles quickly, and low-carb, high-protein diets have become popular as a means of losing fat. However, though protein is necessary, too much protein can result in more health problems, most of which begin in the kidney as it works overtime to eliminate the leftovers from all that protein.

3 mins read

Your Baby at 33 Weeks

Your baby has grown incredibly over the past 33 weeks. What started out as little flutter movements have now become hard kicks and punches. She is perfectly formed, proportioned and looks like a newborn. Her lungs are still maturing. But at 33 weeks, she is proactive in developing her breathing skills. Her heart tones and position will be checked at each prenatal appointment from now until delivery.

3 mins read

Home Remedies for Yeast Infections While Pregnant

Yeast infections are the bane of women. Well, perhaps menstrual cramps are the bane of women. Yeast infections are certainly a close second, and when you’re pregnant they can escalate to No. 1 in a hurry. Yeast infections are often more common during pregnancy, precisely when prescription medications are not a wise idea due to possible side effects on the developing baby. There are some good, natural remedies that are safe during pregnancy, both to help cure the yeast infection and to relieve the symptoms until it has cleared up.

4 mins read

Healthy Alternatives to Fast Food

Whether we’re talking hamburgers and French fries, roast beef sandwiches and fried cheese sticks, or fried chicken with gravy-slathered mashed potatoes, fast food is usually high in refined grains, high in carbs, high in fat (and not the good fats), high in sugar and high in sodium. The only thing fast food is low in, in fact, is nutrition. With the frenetic pace of modern living making it harder and harder to cook three meals a day, finding healthy alternatives to fast food becomes critical if you want to eat a healthy diet. Luckily, convenience food doesn’t need to be unhealthy. You can still eat healthy food when you’re on the go or in a hurry. You have two basic options: Pack some healthy food to take with you or stop somewhere. If you must go into a fast food restaurant, pick the pre-made salad. Otherwise, here are some ideas for healthy alternatives to fast food that are quick and easy.

1 min read

Get Halles Post-Baby Bod

Halle Berrys workout secrets are out! To get back into shape after giving birth to daughter, Nahla, the actress, 41, works out for 60 minutes, five days a week with trainer Ramona Braganza (whose other clients, according to her website, include Jessica Biel and Anne Hathaway), People magazine reports. Ramonas challenging sessions for Halle include, three cardio segments on the elliptical, as well as kickboxing and then a stairs or hill climb.