3 mins read

In Hot Pursuit of the Booty Bag

As a five foot little Momma who popped out two huge football players, I jiggled, juggled and cajoled those babies on my hip long after they could walk. I knew that once the boys were released into the world, the days of clinging to Momma would cease, permanently. So I ignored a few dull aches…

3 mins read

School Shootings and Why Boys Need Boys

Amidst the shock, horror, grief, and fury over school shootings, we all look for the cause of the violence, and the solution to stopping the next attack. Some reason we need more guns — armed schoolteachers and guards. Others argue for fewer guns, regulated by stricter legislation. Mental health professionals maintain that we need better treatment and medication of troubled kids. Others blame allegedly reckless antidepressant overmedication by mental health professionals. The ferocious debate overlooks one …

6 mins read

Daycare Hell

Just thinking about all the childcare arrangements Ive made for my three kids over the years makes me break out in an icy sweat even today. The list reads like a daycare c.v. of modern American motherhood, no less important to my career than a resume.

3 mins read

The Kindness Assignment!

Lets take 28 days of the month and each day I want you to think of one thing you can do each day to be kind to someone else. This is what we ask 4th & 5th graders to do as a homework assignment during our KidSafe program.