1 min read

How to Avoid Ingrown Hairs & Razor Rash

Razor burn, ingrown hairs, itching and discomfort are a common problem when shaving sensitive areas, including the bikini line. For many women, this concern comes up every summer as swimsuit season arrives. Depending upon the sensitivity of your skin, shaving irritation may be a significant inconvenience and quite unsightly. The right products, razor and shaving strategy can reduce your discomfort and keep your skin smooth and soft.

4 mins read

How to Remove Ingrown Hairs From the Legs

The appearance of ingrown hair on any exposed body part is not only embarrassing, but also unappealing. Some women suffering from this would rather just cover up by wearing long pants to hide their legs or wear dark stockings when wearing dresses. They also find it embarrassing to wear swimsuits in public, and they therefore shun gatherings held by the pool or beach just so they do not have to deal with the situation. There are certain procedures to remove ingrown hairs; some methods offer temporary relief while others provide solutions that are more permanent.

2 mins read

Ingrown Facial Hair Removal Tips

Ingrown facial hair might be one of the most potentially embarrassing beauty problems an active mom can experience. Sometimes, these hairs can lead to an infection called folliculitis, which requires medical attention, according to the Mayo Clinic. However, if the ingrown hair is not infected, you might be able to get rid of it safely without leaving your home.

3 mins read

3 Ways to Remove Ingrown Facial Hair

Ingrown facial hair can appear on both men and women. Ingrown hair appears thicker than normal facial hair and it can be curly or straight. Known in the medical world as pseudofolliculitis barbae, it grows not only above but also under the skin. It is can be a bit annoying to have ingrown facial hair, because regular shaving can work temporarily to cut the surface; however, the hair still grows underneath the skin.