6 mins read

Five Tips to Curb Your Child’s Cheating Ways

As technology has evolved to provide a vast wealth of information at anytime, anywhere, cheating has never been easier. From classmates receiving completed homework via a mass Email to answers popping up on I-Phones during a test, cheating has become as simple as text messaging. Here are five ways to prevent your teenagers from falling to such temptation, assuring that they are attending school to learn rather than to learn how to cheat.

6 mins read

Five Tips to Curb Your Child’s Cheating Ways

As technology has evolved to provide a vast wealth of information at anytime, anywhere, cheating has never been easier. From classmates receiving completed homework via a mass Email to answers popping up on I-Phones during a test, cheating has become as simple as text messaging. Here are five ways to prevent your teenagers from falling to such temptation, assuring that they are attending school to learn rather than to learn how to cheat.

4 mins read

Lahaina, Maui

An article from Traveling Pat! Patricia is a regular contributor. She has an adventurous spirit with a love for travel. Follow along with Pat as her journey takes her around the world.   Today Patricia’s travels take her to Hawaii!! Enjoy! ♥Wendy Irene   Lahaina, Maui Floating along in our gi-normous white 96 Cadi, tropical…

3 mins read

3 Ways to Enjoy Your Life More!

People are busier than ever between work, family, activities and volunteering to help others. Now add your blackberry, pager, internet, and other tech savvy gadgets. I once worked with a woman that was so busy with her life that she wasn’t enjoying her life. She thought everything she had going on was so important, that keeping her cell phone attached to her hip every hour of the day was a necessity. She got caught up in the rat race of everything and needed some help taking a break and getting re-focused. Do any of you feel like your days just blend together with a lack of direction or purpose? Do you feel like you are in a hamster cage doing the same things over and over?

4 mins read

Enjoy your life more!

People are busier than ever between work, family, activities and volunteering to help others. Now add your blackberry, pager, internet, and other tech savvy gadgets. I once worked with a woman that was so busy with her life that she wasn’t enjoying her life. She thought everything she had going on was so important, that keeping her cell phone attached to her hip every hour of the day was a necessity. She got caught up in the rat race of everything and needed some help taking a break and getting refocused.