2 mins read

Yoga Games for Children

Forget those pristine yoga studios with library-like quiet. Yoga games for children encourage interaction and sometimes provoke laughter. Use yoga breathing activities to promote relaxation, and poses to build children’s gross motor skills. Moving through a variety of poses can also target children’s major muscle groups, helping them build strength and endurance. Educators sometimes integrate yoga into the classroom to stimulate kinesthetic learners and provide invigorating transitions between lessons.

2 mins read

How to Help Dyslexic Children Learn to Spell

Many children struggle to learn how to spell words properly. Trouble with spelling can be compounded by dyslexia, a learning disorder that stems from the brain’s inability to process symbols such as letters properly, according to MedlinePlus. Dyslexic children need a different technique and method than other students to learn to recognize words and spell them properly. Patience is key when teaching a dyslexic child to spell, as it may take a few years to bring a child up to grade level, according to Bright Solutions for Dyslexia.

2 mins read

Science Homework Projects

Science homework projects give students the chance to explore the world around them and learn about the basics of nature and technology. Through the completion of these hands-on projects, your kid will have the opportunity to expand his science knowledge while having some fun. Not only do these projects offer learners the opportunity to demonstrate their science knowledge, they also give them the opportunity to exercise their creative muscles.

2 mins read

Cool & Educational Games for Kids

When children seem to drown in new information or resist the drill approach to memorizing facts, consider implementing cool educational games. Many games, from traditional to multimedia, individual to large group, spark children’s interest and keep them motivated when other methods fail. Learning games work in the classroom, at home, in the library and in after-school settings.

3 mins read

Games for Kids on Rainy Days

Many moms hate the rain because wet weather forces those rambunctious tots inside and presents a challenge for an already overworked mother. Raindrops on the window, however, do not have to be a dreaded omen. With a little ingenuity, you can make your rainy days just as enjoyable as fair weather ones and keep your kiddos both dry and happy when the rain pours down.