Science Homework Projects
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Science Homework Projects

Science homework projects give students the chance to explore the world around them and learn about the basics of nature and technology. Through the completion of these hands-on projects, your kid will have the opportunity to expand his science knowledge while having some fun. Not only do these projects offer learners the opportunity to demonstrate their science knowledge, they also give them the opportunity to exercise their creative muscles.

Ecosystem Model

Ask your science student to demonstrate her understanding of the features of the ecosystems through the creation of an ecosystem model. To complete this homework project, instruct the child to select one ecosystem type that could be found on the Earth. Ask her to use her creativity and supplies that can be found around the house, such as scrap materials, construction paper, clay or artificial plants to create a representation of her ecosystem in a shoebox or on a solid surface, such as a piece of wood or foam board.

To make this project even more educationally rich, require that the child make a model of two ecosystems that differ greatly from each other, allowing her to demonstrate her understanding of the differences between them.

Shoebox Night Sky

Students transform a standard shoebox into a night sky through the completion of this homework project. To begin, the student must paint the interior of a shoebox black, using spray or brush-on paint. Using a night sky chart as reference, the student must then recreate the pattern of the stars in one section of the sky in his black box, placing them on the box bottom. To do this, the student can use star stickers, dots of gold paint or marker or Christmas lights poked through the box bottom.

Body Part T-Shirt

Science study and fashion design mix in this science project. To complete this project with your pupil, ask her select a body part to feature on a T-shirt. This body part could be a visible one, such as an eye or nose, or an internal organ, such as the heart or the lungs. Instruct the child to design a T-shirt containing a picture of the selected part, along with information about how that part works. Either ask the child to create this design on paper containing a T-shirt outline or make the project wearable by crafting it on an actual T-shirt.

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