4 mins read

Autism and Coronavirus

Autism and Coronavirus I don’t have to explain too much about this title because we’re all in the same boat. Typical and special needs together. This virus doesn’t discriminate. What is my situation? My seventeen-year-old, my husband, and I are staying-at-home and socially distancing if we have to go out (for groceries, pharmacy runs, and…

5 mins read

Autism and the Scam

We were on vacation and there was a tiny incident. Not even an incident. Yet it could have been. What was it? My husband, son, and I were walking to the St. Louis Cardinals Busch Stadium in St. Louis. We had parked our rental about five blocks away from the stadium, checked out the famous…

5 mins read

The Importance of Family Dinners

This article is in partnership with Uncle Ben’s. Growing up we had dinner at 6:00pm every night. Mom cooked, and everyone ate what was on their plates. Fast forward a few decades and dinnertime has changed. Whether it’s because kids have more extracurricular activities, parents have competing work schedules, or easier access to take-out food…