2 mins read

How to Treat Nausea During Pregnancy

Spending your days concentrating on keeping your food in your stomach and never venturing far from a bathroom is probably not how you envisioned welcoming the news of a new baby. The words “morning sickness” do not do justice to the pregnancy nausea suffered by many women. First, nausea can happen during any of the 24 hours in a day. Some only experience mild sickness infrequently during the first few weeks, which miraculously vanishes at the end of the first trimester as all the pregnancy books say it should. Others spend so much time hanging over a toilet that they consider just moving into the bathroom and do not enjoy relief at the three-month mark. Several treatments are recommended by medical professionals, but the effectiveness varies by individual.

5 mins read

Conscious Love: Embracing My True Self and Guiding Parents on Supporting Transgender Children

My journey to self-realization and identity affirmation has been a path illuminated by conscious love – first coming out as a lesbian at age 14, and then as transgender at age 49. These milestones in my life weren't just about revealing who I am but also about the profound understanding and acceptance I sought, particularly…

3 mins read

Unexplained Fevers in Children

When your child comes down with a fever, you likely immediately begin looking for a cause. While it is sometimes easy to determine what ailment is leading to your child’s temperature spike, there are instances in which childhood fever goes unexplained for a long period of time. These unexplained fevers can prove stressful to parents eager to help their children overcome their ailments and get back to their old ready-to-play selves.

2 mins read

What to Feed Newborn Babies

The nutrition a newborn receives during his first several months of life are vital to his growth and development. As a doting mom, you can set him on a healthy path by carefully selecting foods packed with nutrients and appropriate for his developing digestive system. As you plan your newborn’s daily menus, consider the nutrient benefit of each newborn’s food you select.

2 mins read

What Are the Dangers of Ultrasounds & Pregnancy?

Ultrasounds aren’t a necessary part of ordinary prenatal care but may be desired by the expectant parents or even deemed medically necessary in the event of potential pregnancy complications, notes the American Pregnancy Association. This type of scan, also known as a sonogram, can be used throughout pregnancy to detect potentially dangerous conditions such as tubal pregnancy or fetal death. Ultrasounds can also be used to estimate delivery dates, check the mother’s reproductive system for any abnormalities and even to guess the future child’s sex. While ultrasounds are not considered extremely risky by medical institutions such as the Mayo Clinic, expectant moms should avoid them unless absolutely necessary.