4 mins read

Beginner Meditation Techniques

You need not be a guru to appreciate the benefits of meditation. In addition to providing mental clarity, meditation can also relieve stress, encourage deep breathing, promote blood circulation, encourage healing and boost the flow of energy throughout your body. Beginning a meditation regime may seem daunting, but not everyone spends an hour in rapt silence daily. Try these simple techniques that are perfect for beginners to meditation and require little financial or time commitment.

3 mins read

Different Kinds of Family Planning

There are a number of family planning options available to couples today. Some of these are hormonal, while others are barrier methods. The right choice for you will depend upon any health considerations, your own preferences and whether you are looking for long- or short-term contraception. Doing your own research is the best way to make a good contraceptive choice and allow you to worry about growing your family only when you are ready.

3 mins read

What Are Organic Foods?

“Organic foods” refer to items grown without the use of chemical fertilizers or pesticides. Organic foods can be single pieces of produce like apples, multi-ingredient products like crackers, or refer to animal products where the animal was fed organically-grown grains and not given antibiotics. Organic foods are eco-friendly, though pricey. Unless you purchase organic foods from a local farmer, these non-toxic items will cost considerably more than conventionally-grown foods. It’s up to you to determine if the benefits outweigh the costs. Either way, organic foods are part of a booming industry.

4 mins read

Tips on Putting a Baby to Sleep

To “sleep like a baby” is probably one of the most commonly used misleading phrases. Newborns sleep for about 18 hours a day. But, if you are a new parent, you probably wouldn’t believe it. Putting a baby to sleep is among the toughest tasks new parents face. Various factors contribute to this problem including environment, sleep schedule, physical and mental stimulation, even the type and amount of nutrition. Although life with a baby is unpredictable, especially when it comes to sleep patterns and schedules, there are techniques that could help.