2 mins read

3 Ways to do a Breast Self-Exam for Teens

Although the risk of breast cancer for teens is minimal, it is still beneficial to learn methods for doing a breast self-exam at an early age. Instilling a habit of doing a breast self-exam after menstruation has begun is excellent preventative medicine. There are a variety of ways for teens to do a breast self-exam, all of which are relatively simple and quick. Remember to note any changes by writing down the date of the breast self-exam, your observations and any questions. Bring this information to your doctor.

2 mins read

5 Tips to Get a Colicky Baby to Sleep

A colicky baby can disrupt your household and your lifestyle and make you miserable from lack of sleep. The Mayo Clinic staff defines colic as three hours of crying, three or more times a week, by a baby less than 3 months old. While scheduling a complete examination by your pediatrician is important to determine whether there is another underlying cause for your baby’s colic, there are some methods you can try at home to get your colicky baby to sleep.

4 mins read

Healthy Recipes on a Budget

You want to fix healthy meals for your family. Is that so much to ask? Happily, the ingredients for healthy meals—organic foods, whole grains and healthy fats—are readily available in even the regular supermarkets. There’s only one problem: those nutritious super foods can get pricey. When you’re on a budget, the secret to fixing healthy recipes is going for simple meals with fewer ingredients, using seasonal produce, buying quality fats like extra virgin olive oil or virgin coconut oil in bulk, using cooking methods that make the most of the protein, vitamins and other nutrients and purchasing the cheaper grains, like brown rice, whole wheat and oats. Here’s a day of energizing, great-tasting healthy recipes for the budget-conscious.

3 mins read

Different Birth Control Options

There are many birth control options. While the American Pregnancy Association suggests that abstinence is the only way to guarantee a woman will not become pregnant, a no-sex lifestyle is not a reasonable option for many people. Knowing the different birth control options available helps people make the right decision to fit their contraceptive needs and lifestyles.

3 mins read

3 Ways to Remove Ingrown Facial Hair

Ingrown facial hair can appear on both men and women. Ingrown hair appears thicker than normal facial hair and it can be curly or straight. Known in the medical world as pseudofolliculitis barbae, it grows not only above but also under the skin. It is can be a bit annoying to have ingrown facial hair, because regular shaving can work temporarily to cut the surface; however, the hair still grows underneath the skin.