3 mins read

The Effects of Chemotherapy on Fertility

Women or men who want to start a family but who are also undergoing chemotherapy are naturally concerned about their subsequent fertility. Chemotherapy can sometimes take away your option to have children or can cause you to doubt if having children is even the right thing to do, according to the American Cancer Society. Most people who are in this situation can become a parent, just maybe not the way you expected.

3 mins read

Last Minute Holiday Gifts

It's mid December honestly there's never enough time it seems to find gifts for everyone on your list. Here's a little round-up of some gifts that just might work for the trickier people on your list! For your bestie who deserves the best - she will absolutely adore the Hazo Minimalist black leather bag from…

10 mins read

10 Things Happy Moms Do Differently

“Today’s feminism isn’t about women doing it all. It’s about women NOT having to do it all.” -Gloria SteinemI began buying into the myth of “doing it all” at an early age. In my 20s, I had my checklist life in mind: start a lucrative career right after college, meet someone and fall in love, get married by age 30, get my career to a successful enough point that I could …