5 mins read

5 Pros and Cons for Surrogacy

Surrogacy is a very controversial subject. Some religious organizations forbid their members from participating in surrogacy, no matter how desperate they are to have a child. Whatever the reason that couples might consider surrogacy, they must carefully weigh the pros and cons before proceeding. There are different factors that people who are considering surrogacy have to go through, from the time to decide whether they would go forward with it, to choosing the surrogate mother, the procedures involved, the fees required and the overall time frame. Each of these factors has its own pros and cons.

3 mins read

Pregnant Symptoms But Not Pregnant

When a woman becomes pregnant, her body changes in many ways–some good, some bad. Certain symptoms of pregnancy can be misleading because they’re not a guaranteed indicator of pregnancy. Many, in fact, can be attributed to other conditions. Particularly in the case of women who have never been pregnant, it’s easy to mistake such symptoms for those of an actual pregnancy.

2 mins read

Is Walking Healthy During Pregnancy?

Being pregnant can bring with it many questions and concerns. What foods should I eat? What foods should I avoid? How much should I eat? Can I exercise? Although the answers to these questions may not be cut and dried, the question of whether walking is healthy during pregnancy is as clear as the two lines on your pregnancy test.

3 mins read

Honeymoon Ideas in June

June remains one of the most popular months for exchanging vows. But after the cake is eaten, the champagne uncorked and the last dance has ended, where will you and your new spouse be headed for your own personal celebration? Honeymoons are supposed to be all about the couple. So find something that you both enjoy–don’t just go with the sandy beach because you think that’s what you are supposed to do. Pick a honeymoon that reflects your personality.