3 mins read

Is it Safe to Diet During Pregnancy?

Gaining weight during pregnancy is nearly unavoidable, though much of it can be attributed to carrying extra fluid in your body in addition to the weight of the baby itself. That being said, a woman who is already overweight may dread the idea of gaining extra pounds, or she may be concerned about the effect of her weight on her pregnancy and delivery. For those reasons, many women are tempted to diet while pregnant. The reasoning may seem logical, but is it safe?

5 mins read

How Long to Nurse a Child

If you’re breastfeeding, it’s important to know how long to nurse your child so as to get the optimal health benefit for your baby. Most current research on the health benefits of breastfeeding centers on the first six months to a year of life. After this point, the medical data on extended breastfeeding–breastfeeding beyond a year old–tapers off, and the decision to breastfeed becomes a personal one.

2 mins read

How Does Spray Tanning Work?

Want a golden glow without the worries of cancer, wrinkles and dry skin? Spray tanning may be just the thing. A sunless alternative to achieving that “healthy glow,” spray tanning essentially dyes the color of your skin temporarily. The days of identifiable “fake bake” are in the past with this innovative product. Though it can be tricky to apply solo, spray tanning can have smooth, even results if used properly (and with a helpful assistant sprayer).

3 mins read

What Is the Zone Diet Plan?

The Zone Diet Plan, created by Dr. Barry Sears, aims to be a way of life. It focuses on creating a hormonal and genetic balance that will encourage weight control and optimal functioning of the body. The Zone Diet Plan arranges its five main components into the Zone Wellness Pyramid. The idea is that each component provides the foundation for the rest of the components, beginning with eating habits and working up to supplements.