2 mins read

Cleaning Recipe for a Green Home

Even if you do not have bamboo floors and solar panels on your roof, you can still make your home more ecologically sound. One of the simplest ways to go green involves swapping chemical-laden cleaning products for simple household cleaners. In addition to eliminating unnecessary chemicals, fragrances and irritants from your home, you will also save money, as most green cleaning substances require a few cheap, often natural, ingredients. As with all cleaning supplies, keep materials out of the reach of children and pets.

3 mins read

Closet Storage Design Ideas

Many busy moms, in an eagerness to keep their homes looking tidy, tuck away all not-in-use objects in closets. While these out-of-the-way places make it easier to keep your house orderly, in the absence of closet organization they can easily become messy and the objects placed in them hard to find. To ensure that your closet serves as an effective part of your organizational plan and not a catchall into which objects disappear never to be seen again, put thought into the design and organizational structure of this space.

2 mins read

Recycled Denim Fun

Comfy, cozy jeans are a wardrobe staple for many on-the-go moms. When these go-to garments become worn, there is a crafty alternative to throwing them out. Instead of tossing your tired denim, turn your trusty jeans into an aesthetically pleasing craft project and give them a new lease on life.

2 mins read

Gift Ideas for Preschool Teachers

Your child’s preschool teacher invests a lot of time and energy caring for and teaching your child. Since preschool teacher salaries are relatively low, and benefits can be few and far between, your child’s teacher may feel underpaid and unappreciated for the important work she does. Saying “thank you” by giving her a gift demonstrates that you notice and appreciate the dedication and commitment that she’s made to your child.

3 mins read

Games for Kids on Rainy Days

Many moms hate the rain because wet weather forces those rambunctious tots inside and presents a challenge for an already overworked mother. Raindrops on the window, however, do not have to be a dreaded omen. With a little ingenuity, you can make your rainy days just as enjoyable as fair weather ones and keep your kiddos both dry and happy when the rain pours down.