2 mins read

Top Bathing Suit Cover Ups

As summer approaches, many flock to the seaside or resorts to get fresh air and to swim. It is time to take out that swimsuit and be able to enjoy the warmer weather. For women, It is also important to wear cover-ups in order to cover certain parts of the body for protection from the harsh heat or to avoid looking too revealing. This is especially true to those who are not too comfortable wearing bathing suits in front of people. Women also love to wear cover-ups to keep them warmer after a dip in the cool water and to help them dry faster.

2 mins read

What Are Some Good Exercise Routines?

Creating some basic exercise routines can help you stay on track when it comes to your fitness. Adding some variety by rotating exercise routines alleviates boredom and makes it easier to stick to a consistent exercise schedule. Basic cardio exercises and strength training can give you more energy throughout the day and prevent many health problems related to obesity.

1 min read

Top Chef's Padma Lakshmi Is Pregnant!

There is more cooking than just fancy food in the oven for Top Chef’s Padma Lakshmi. She’s expecting her first child. We’d be excited for her anyway, but it’s even sweeter because she struggled with endometriosis for years. So much so that she co-founded the Endometriosis Foundation of America.

8 mins read

Katie and Nicole: A Look at Pregnancy in Your Twenties vs. Your Forties, Part One

The personal histories of Nicole Kidman and Katie Holmes are forever linked–Nicole was once Mrs. Tom Cruise; Katie now holds that title. But these two members of Hollywood royalty have taken very different paths to building their families. Nicole, who has two adopted children, Connor and Isabella, is giving birth for the first time at 40, while Katie had her daughter Suri when she was age 27.