2 mins read

What Are Some Good Exercise Routines?

Creating some basic exercise routines can help you stay on track when it comes to your fitness. Adding some variety by rotating exercise routines alleviates boredom and makes it easier to stick to a consistent exercise schedule. Basic cardio exercises and strength training can give you more energy throughout the day and prevent many health problems related to obesity.

6 mins read

Tips on Organizing a Family Reunion

Closely knitted families should make it a point to have a reunion every year. Aside from the usual Thanksgiving or Christmas holidays, there should be a separate day for families to get together to have fun, eat good food and strengthen the bond that holds them together. Organizing a family reunion can be a challenging undertaking, but proper planning and execution can make it a successful one.

4 mins read

Ideas to Get Your Kids More Exercise

It is a fact that kids spend way too much time exercising their fingers with a TV remote, cell phone, computer or video games and too little of it engaging in wholesome physical activity. But how do you peel your kids and teenagers away from these addictive, enticing and often mind-numbing activities and encourage them to stay healthy and physically active instead? It’s possible and it may not be all that difficult to do. Here are some ideas to get your kids more exercise.