3 mins read

Hair Care for Infants

Even if your baby has little more than peach fuzz covering his head, his hair requires a bit of personal care. Treat your little prince’s or little diva’s hair to the attention it requires. This will keep your infant looking her cutest, feeling her best and ready for all those close-up pictures that will be taken.

2 mins read

Immediate Signs of Pregnancy

When you’re trying to get pregnant, you want to know as soon as possible that you are. This can lead you to look for the immediate signs of pregnancy. While there are certain signs that indicate you’re pregnant, you need to take them with a grain of salt — most signs also relate to PMS or other factors. Remember, though, that every woman is different, and you may not experience any early symptoms.

3 mins read

Breathing Difficulties in Children

While taking a breath should be simple, some children struggle with difficulties that make taking in air more challenging. If your child seems to be exhibiting difficulty breathing, an assortment of causes could be at the root of this struggle. By exploring the potential breath-related challenges with which your child is dealing, you can more effectively help him overcome this struggle.