2 mins read

Discover Your Relationship with MONEY

Lying on his deathbed, the rich, miserly old man calls to his long-suffering wife. I want to take all my money with me, he tells her. So promise me youll put it in the casket. After the man dies, his widow attends the memorial service with her best friend. Just before the undertaker closes the coffin, his widow places a small metal box inside. The widows friend looks at her in horror. Surely, she says, you didnt put the money in there.

5 mins read

How to Break Frustrating Relationship Patterns

Once upon a time there was an adorable little Goblin who wanted nothing more than to fall in love. Like a princess in a fairy tale, she longed for another Goblin to complete and save her. Shed had many relationships, all which seemed to follow the same dramatic story line. Shed meet eyes with another Goblin, theyd have that instant spark, and then theyd jump into a hot and heavy relationship.