4 mins read

Packing Checklist for Toddlers

With the holidays approaching and travel looming, packing is a time consuming task for anyone. Adding a toddler to the packing checklist makes the task more challenging. Toddlers do not require as much special equipment as babies, but there are still considerations when packing for a toddler. Start packing early and carefully to ensure all of the essential items for your toddler make it into the suitcase.

2 mins read

Healthy Carbohydrate Diet Plans

Carbohydrates are essential to the body since they a source of energy. However, too much carbohydrate intake can lead to obesity and other health-related problems, such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. There are many diet plans promoted as “low-carb” diets that many people try to follow in order to lose weight and lead healthier lives. It is important to note, however, that lowering is not enough on its own. Combined with a high-protein or low-fat diet along with regular exercise works best to promote a healthier lifestyle.

3 mins read

Garage Organization Tips

The garage often becomes a dumping ground for an assortment of items. The growing pile can be intimidating, but an organizational system in the garage can get the mess under control. Sorting and organizing the items in the garage makes them easy to locate when they are needed. The initial organization process may take a few days, but the end result will be an efficient garage with easy access to all of the stored items.

4 mins read

How Does the Raw Food Diet Work?

One recent diet trend is the raw food diet, often adopted for long-term dietary change rather than as a quick weight loss measure. The central regimen in a raw food diet is similar to that of a vegan diet, except you can only consume unprocessed and uncooked plant-based foods. The logic behind this diet is that raw and living foods are excellent sources of enzymes. These enzymes are destroyed when food is heated over 116 degrees. The enzymes present in raw food aid in digestion and give people energy.

3 mins read

What Foods Should Be Avoided in Pregnancy?

A positive pregnancy test creates a wide range of emotions and concerns. After the initial excitement wears off, many pregnant women start wondering what is safe during pregnancy. A healthy diet during pregnancy is important to the developing baby. Just as important is learning the foods to avoid during pregnancy. Many foods on the list to avoid during pregnancy can potentially cause serious risks to an unborn baby.