4 mins read

Which Diet Pills Work Best?

Nonprescription diet pills certainly aren’t lacking when it comes to allure. Slick advertising techniques and impressive packaging are designed to have you believe that somewhere on the shelves of your local drug store a magic bullet exists for weight loss. The truth about most over-the-counter diet pills isn’t too impressive, medical experts at the Mayo Clinic say. Many diet pills don’t have the science behind them to back up marketing claims–and some may be downright dangerous.

5 mins read

Sleep with Your Pet? It Might Be a Bad Idea.

Do you sleep with your pet? Well, youre not alone. According to a recent survey of pet owners by the American Pet Products Association, nearly half of all dogs sleep in their owners beds. Additionally, 62% of cats also sleep with their owners. What could be better than curling up next to your furry little friend and being gently awakened in the morning by a little nuzzle? For many pet owners, few things in life can top this feeling. But, is sleeping with your pet a good idea or not?

3 mins read

Which Vitamins Help Lines & Wrinkles?

The good news regarding lines and wrinkles is that certain vitamins have shown to be effective in diminishing them, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center and the Northwestern Health Sciences University. After all, if you have taken great effort to stay in shape and be as healthy as you can be, you should not let wrinkles make you look older than you feel. Forty and even 50 is the new 30 for women. You should look the way you feel and give your skin back its rosy, unwrinkled, glow.