3 mins read

Fun Teen Birthday Games

Birthday parties are popular events on the busy social calendars of many teens. These festive occasions give teens the opportunity to join with their peers and engage in rambunctious fun. At these gatherings, teens enjoy kicking back and spreading the current gossip. To add excitement and create party structure, you can plan party games. Teens are a tougher audience than youngsters as they sometime delight in rebelling against structure and are often turned off by games that they deem childish. However, with carefully planning, you can woo even the most cynical teen and entice him to engage in a competitive game.

3 mins read

Fun Family-Friendly Games

Instead of loafing in front of the TV for yet another round of weekly sit-coms, get your kids up and engage them in a family-friendly game. Along with being fun, family games are a great way to build family relationships and help your family develop. Among other things, these games teach children to follow the rules, reports FamilyEducation.com. Allow your family to reap the benefits of the togetherness opportunities that games provide by planning a family game for your brood.

4 mins read

Is Your Child on Facebook? What You Need to Know!

Facebook is great! We love it! We use it! But is Facebook your childs friend? We adults have found the answer to keeping in touch with old and new friends without too much effort. We can brag about our kids, our life, share precious moments with just about EVERYONE. Thats the thing parents need to understand. When you post something, even with privacy settings, EVERYONE can see it. Did you know that?