3 mins read

Best Valentine’s Day Gifts

If you are looking for something other than chocolate or flowers to give to those you love this Valentine’s Day, you are in luck. Whether you are shopping for your spouse, a significant other or your children, you will be able to find something that most everyone will love. When choosing your Valentine’s Day gifts, keeping your recipients’ interests in mind can help you to choose the perfect gift.

6 mins read

Wanna Piece of Me? Learn How to Say NO!

Just when you think life will start getting easier now that the kids are occupied for six hours a day, you start to experience the hectic mornings; the homework; the carpools; the bake sales; the PTA obligations; and the embarrassment of begging your co-workers to buy chocolate bars they do not want (no matter how much they like you or your kids.)

3 mins read

It’s All in the Family: Brooke’s Proud Mom on her Business Savvy Daughter

Not only is ModernMoms co-CEO, Brooke Burke, a TV personality, mom and model, but she is an incredible entrepreneur. Brooke, a proud mommy of four, started her own company called Baboosh Baby. Baboosh Baby offers a product to help moms successfully lose stubborn post-pregnancy stomach fat. All moms know how difficult it can be to lose stomach weight after giving birth. A little extra padding may seem an inevitable consequence of having baby, (and a small price to pay for bringing a new child into the world) but Brooke wanted no part of that.