2 mins read

Effects of Heavy Backpacks on Children

If you have a child who goes to school, try wearing his backpack around one day. You could be shocked to discover the heavy load your child has to carry around five days a week. The heavier the backpack, the more damage it can do to your child. Typically, kids load backpacks too much, making them too heavy to be safe, according to studies conducted by members of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at San Diego.

2 mins read

Carry the Load with Love

“It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.” ~Lena Horne This quote was one of my favorite parts of the 83rd Annual Academy Awards. As soon as I saw it appear on screen it resonated deeply with me. The wisdom in that one sentence is remarkable.

2 mins read

Can Heavy School Bags Cause Back Problems?

For many children, heading off to school means toting a bag filled to the brim with books. While your little learner trudging along under an impossibly huge book bag may make for an adorable sight, allowing your youngster to tote an excessively large bag could have a long-lasting effect on his spine. To ensure that your child’s backpack weight doesn’t leave him with a host of back problems to deal with later in life, take precautions when it comes to your child’s backpack size.

2 mins read

How to Massage Arms

Our arms work hard and often get little appreciation for their effort. They lift and carry heavy loads, then hold steady as we type, work, paint, or just carry on an animated conversation. If you want to give a loved one a special treat, an arm massage is a great idea — and fairly easy to perform. Plan to spend about 10 minutes on each arm.