5 mins read

Finding My Way In An Economic Downturn

By Guest Blogger, Tamara Arbeiter I was recently laid off from my job. The Record of Employment I just received in the mail stated Economic reasons for my departure. As company policy goes, I was asked to leave immediately. Comforted only by the fact that a handful of very senior executives were also laid off that day, I packed up my desk, grabbed my kids photos and artwork and left, without time for goodbyes.

7 mins read

Why Allies And Sponsors Are Vital For Single Working Moms

You're a working mom managing all the things. As if meeting deadlines and managing life, in general, wasn't enough, now many of us are also managing distance learning for our kids or trying to entertain younger kids. And, with so many summer camps closes, who knows what that will look like this summer. So many…

6 mins read

It’s Okay to Brag During Performance Reviews

It is almost time for annual performance reviews at many companies. I can already feel the anxiety building as we prepare to receive some “constructive feedback” about our job performance and decisions about promotions and raises. Annual performance reviews are especially stressful for many women. Whether this is due to cultural norms of female modesty…