2 mins read

Workout Supplements for Women

Regular aerobic and strength training exercise can help you gain muscle, lose fat, tone your body and feel more energized throughout the day. If you walk down the supplement aisle at the grocery store, you’re likely to see a seemingly endless variety of products for nearly any fitness goal. While such supplements are legal, they may not always work and may not be safe. Keep in mind that supplements are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, and talk to your doctor before starting supplementation.

2 mins read

Supplements for Women to Gain Muscle

Regular weight training is one of the best ways to transform your body. As you gain muscle, you’ll begin to look firmer and more toned in as little as two weeks. While diet and exercise alone are enough to help you add muscle to your frame, fitness supply stores are lined with supplements designed to boost your results. Should you choose to take supplements, talk to your doctor first, and remember that they are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration.

3 mins read

Healthy Protein Shakes for Women

While most Americans consume enough protein-rich foods to satisfy their daily recommended allowance, women often have specific issues or periods in their lives when an added dose of protein is especially important, such as when pregnant, nursing, or menopausal. Add in a hectic, fast-paced lifestyle that often makes eating on the run a necessity and it’s easy to see why healthy protein shakes are a winner when it comes to adding extra nutrition to your diet.

2 mins read

Protein Powder During Pregnancy

When you’re pregnant, you want to get as much nutrition as possible, so protein supplementation may seem like a good idea. Protein powders come in a variety of flavors and can add as much as 30 grams of protein instantly. Though your body does need protein to help the baby growing inside you, it may not need as much as you think. Protein powder may be unnecessary.