3 mins read

5 Metabolism Boosting Foods To Add To Your Diet

A higher metabolism can only increase your chances for weight loss success. Eating foods that speed up your metabolism will help your body to burn energy which in turn, will help you meet your weight loss goals faster. Below is a list highlighting five easy ways to do this. Try them out over the next…

2 mins read

How to Increase Metabolism to Lose Weight

Metabolism refers to the process your body undergoes to turn food into energy. Your metabolic rate can affect the speed at which you gain or lose weight and the ease of maintaining your weight. Typically, a fast metabolism equals easier weight loss and a slower metabolism may result in weight gain. Many factors contribute to how fast or slow your metabolism is. These include age, gender, activity level and the foods you eat. While some factors are out of your control, you can easily alter a few of your habits to increase your metabolism for weight loss.

3 mins read

10 Ways to Speed Up Metabolism Naturally

A slow metabolism often results in weight gain, fatigue and slow digestion. Increasing metabolic rates aids in weight loss and provides higher overall energy levels. However, fad diets and miracle foods used to boost metabolism are pure lies, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. No single miracle cure is available to speed up metabolism naturally. Adding several healthy habits to your lifestyle offers the greatest and longest-lasting results.

3 mins read

Metabolism-Booster Diet

Healthful foods help make bodies function properly. When we eat too much junk food, the fats, preservatives, sugars and chemicals can overwhelm our body’s ability to transform the food into energy, resulting in a slow metabolism. However, too little food can also drag down a person’s metabolism. This is what happened to Oprah Winfrey when she went on a liquid diet to lose excess weight fast. The low-calorie diet was unsustainable, and she gained the weight back–then had to put in extra effort to return her metabolism to a normal rate. There are concrete strategies you can employ to boost your metabolism and encourage your body to burn calories efficiently.

6 mins read

7 Tips for Detoxing and Restoring Energy

I have two very high energy children and run two to three jobs at any given time.  Add housework, household finances, trying to exercise, and lack of sleep into the mix and my head is constantly spinning.   Do I constantly crave a balance to keep all the juggling balls in the air?  You better believe…