10 Ways to Speed Up Metabolism Naturally
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10 Ways to Speed Up Metabolism Naturally

A slow metabolism often results in weight gain, fatigue and slow digestion. Increasing metabolic rates aids in weight loss and provides higher overall energy levels. However, fad diets and miracle foods used to boost metabolism are pure lies, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. No single miracle cure is available to speed up metabolism naturally. Adding several healthy habits to your lifestyle offers the greatest and longest-lasting results.

Eat Breakfast

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology reports that eating a healthy breakfast kick-starts the metabolism for the day. Skipping breakfast results in a sluggish metabolism as your body attempts to store energy. Make breakfast the largest meal of the day, and add at least one whole grain, one fruit or vegetable and a little protein for the greatest effect on your metabolism.

Eat Frequently

Eating small meals or snacks every three to four hours, instead of two or three large meals each day, helps your metabolism to run strong. When eating frequently, listen to your body. Only eat when you become hungry, and stop eating before getting completely full if you want to avoid gaining weight.


Caffeine comes in several forms. High-calorie sodas and coffee are common favorites, but these drinks only boost the metabolism for short bursts of time before leading to a crash. Some dietitians promote green tea as a healthy way to speed up metabolism naturally. Green tea releases its caffeine into the body slowly and lasts longer than other forms of caffeine.

Lift Weights

Research scientist Dr. Shari Lieberman believes that muscle mass is the largest contributor to a speedy metabolism. When muscle is used in weight training, the muscle is torn down. To repair and build more muscle, the body shifts your metabolism into gear. Additionally, people with higher percentages of muscle burn more calories, even at rest, than people with less muscle mass.

Laugh More

A study performed at Vanderbilt University showed that people have a higher metabolism after laughing. Laughing boosted test subjects’ metabolic rates by 20 percent.

Eat Spicy Foods

Hot peppers appear to boost one’s metabolism. Eat a few spicy bites each day to get your body going.

Drink Water

Not only does water help to fuel and cleanse the body, cold water can also speed up your metabolism. When you drink cold water, your body must work to keep warm, offering a boost to your metabolism.

Limit Stress

Many serious side effects result from high stress levels, including a slower metabolism. When feeling stressed out, try to step back from the situation and breathe deeply. If you are having recurrent problems with stress, try to find an activity that relieves it, such as painting, writing, reading or hiking. In general, the lower your stress levels, the faster your metabolism.


Lifting weights is not the only kind of exercise that increases metabolic rates. Cardiovascular exercise also does the trick. Take a run around the block, go for a swim or ride your bike three times a week for at least 30 minutes a session.

Sleep Tight

Ohio University reports that people who do not receive a minimum of 7 hours of sleep a night are more likely to be overweight and suffer from a slow metabolism. Speed up your metabolism naturally by making sure your get that much-needed shut-eye.

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