5 mins read

When Divorce Becomes Part of Good Parenting

Years ago, a neighbor with two young daughters, ages 6 and 8, went through a divorce.I remember thinking how busy I was at that precise moment.I was working fulltime and taking care of three children under age 10.I didn’t have time to get divorced.I didn’t have time to even think about getting divorced.I didn’t want to get divorced, which helped.But now, eight years later, it’s …

3 mins read

Ways to Improve Chances to Get Pregnant

While some women may seem to get pregnant without even trying, others have trouble conceiving. Like many other physical functions, reproduction requires certain elements to achieve the desired results. Overall health, as well as certain activities may limit your ability to get pregnant. Making changes in your lifestyle, including your sex life, may provide the needed boost to help you conceive. Although some cases of infertility require medical intervention, certain changes you can make at home may increase your chances of conceiving.

2 mins read

How To Moisturize Skin Naturally

Dry, itchy skin. It makes skin look older, and in extreme conditions like winter, dry skin can even result in painful cracking. Using lotions and body oils works for some people, but many people can’t use many of these products due to allergens and a sensitivity to certain skin irritants. For these people, using natural methods and products can moisturize their skin. Beyond products, there are foods you can eat–and supplements you can take–that help your skin retain moisture.

2 mins read

5 Steps to Increasing Sperm Count

In most cases, a couple that is trying to get pregnant will conceive within a year. When you are dreaming in pink and blue, though, a year can seem like an eternity. One way to help speed things along is to make sure the male’s sperm count is up to par. For most fertile men, the following suggestions can boost sperm count and promote healthy sperm production.