4 mins read

Healthy Body Weight for Kids

Kids make up a significant portion of the rising obesity rates in the United States. Being overweight as a kid increases the odds that you’ll be overweight later in life, and that you’ll develop obesity-related medical conditions. As a parent, you may be better off looking at your child’s health and the quality of his diet than the numbers on the scale as you work toward getting him to his healthy weight.

2 mins read

How to Prepare Your Body for a Healthy Pregnancy

Many birth defects or complications are out of a woman’s control, but entering into pregnancy in the healthiest state possible reduces risks of other complications. Even small improvements to your overall health and lifestyle positively impact the pregnancy. Assessing your current habits and health level gives you a starting point for making adjustments. Even though your partner doesn’t directly grow the baby during pregnancy, his healthy lifestyle changes before conception make an overall positive impression on the family.