3 mins read

How to Best Prevent Breast Cancer When it Runs in Your Family

Your genes aren’t something you can modify with lifestyle changes. What this means for people with a strong family history of breast cancer is that you can’t necessarily prevent the disease. What you can do is work to lower your risk. Scientists and doctors simply don’t know enough about the exact causes of breast cancer to conclusively say how to avoid it. Many of the steps you should take to lower your risk are a part of an overall healthy lifestyle, which will benefit you in more ways than just breast cancer prevention.

4 mins read

5 Tips To Help Your Preschooler Learn To Read

By kindergarten most schools recommend (or require) that children read for at least 20 minutes every night. With benefits like positive self esteem, increased vocabulary, enhanced creativity, increased attention spans, and higher cognitive abilities*, it is no wonder why teachers and schools are placing such an emphasis on reading. I was a learning specialist in…