5 mins read

Mommy Fashionista or Wardrobe Malfunction?

My girlfriend Amber and I were in the mad clutches of a GAP Kids sale. As the mother of triplet boys, Amber had three good reasons to buy scores of discounted clothing. I, on the other hand, was merely feeding my consumer habit when I snatched a $7 sequined rainbow hoodie for my daughter. Then, a clerk informed us that the sale applied to the womens section, as well. We looked longinglymournfullyat the other side of the store decorated with life-size posters of girls 10 years and 6 sizes our junior, posing their spidery-thin legs and barely there butts. I sighed. We really should buy something for ourselves for a change, Amber said. But its so much work, I whined.

1 min read

Using Rainchecks

I reached out to my friends on It’s Free for some frugal suggestions and I received two suggestions about raincheks and thought I would pass one of them along.”When you find a great sale price on items at a grocery or drugstore chain, buy all you can, then always try to get a raincheck, too.

3 mins read

How to Shop for School Supplies on a Budget

Getting kids ready for the new school year can take a bite out of your household budget, and–if you have more than one child–it can turn into a financial crisis. Learning how to shop for school supplies on a budget is an important step in easing the strain when money is tight. It lessens or eliminates having to tell your child you can’t afford the supplies he wants and needs. Once you master the process, you’ll find yourself using the basic concepts in your other shopping categories, and the savings will multiply throughout the year.