3 mins read

Signs of Water Breaking in Pregnancy

When you are in your ninth month of pregnancy, your water could break at any time. It’s probably best that this doesn’t happen when you are giving a speech in front of a large crowd of people or when you are a guest at a formal dinner party. The good news is that only about 10 percent of women experience their water breaking before they are checked in at the hospital. But, since you don’t know for sure, it is understandable why many women are interested in knowing what, if any, signs will occur before your water breaks.

2 mins read

You Can Save Lives by Giving Water!

Running your hands through crystal clean water. Drinking it. Nourishing your children without worry. Doesnt everyone deserve that? It breaks my heart to think that any mother is forced to give their thirsty child dirty water, because they dont have any other options. For these Mothers giving their children this water is like rolling the dice. The water can make them very sick, and even kill.