7 mins read

What A Wonderful World It Would Be

What do I want for Christmas? That’s a question I get asked over and over each year. I never have an answer because I’ve never really been all that materialistic. Sure, I like to have this or that, but most often it’s something small that I usually buy for myself. The majority of my money…

5 mins read

10 Ways to Save Money This Month

No matter your financial situation, pretty much everyones been hit hard by the recession in one way or another. The real key to surviving in tough times is being smart with your money. Only spend on what you need and cut back on what you dont need. Seems simple enough, right? I know, easier said than done. Here are a few tips to get your started on the right track this month (it’s not as painful as you might think): 1. Cut Back on Eating Out

2 mins read

Adoption Gifts for Boys

Many adoptive parents opt to welcome their new boy into their family with not only open arms but also a tangible token of their affection. By selecting a present specifically for the adopted child that is about to enter your family, you can show this boy that you are thrilled that he is joining your clan. When picking a gift for this occasion, look for a present that will both help the child get to know you and your family and serve as a memento of this event.