3 mins read

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

Reading The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle felt like a gift. It is nearly impossible to sum up how I feel about this book, other than to say I wholeheartedly recommend it. If you allow yourself to enter into its pages with a truly open mind and heart, the ability to walk away from the book with great wisdom and a true sense of peace is at your finger tips.

4 mins read

Live Like You Were Dying

There is that classic saying Dont take anything for granted because you never know what tomorrow holds . The other day I got an email from an old friend that I havent spoken to in years. He told me that he had an accident; he was walking across the street in London and got hit by a bus. He has been in and out of a coma, broke 50 + bones and now has some brain damage.

2 mins read

Awaken Your Consciousness

Today, the children and I went outside for lunch. The wind helped me to gently lay a blanket across the soft grass. We breathed in the fresh, fragrant summer air, and listened. We listened to the sound of the occasional airplane passing by, the sound of the wind rustling through the weeds on the border of our property. The birds sang a beautiful melody, while the crickets played their background music.