2 mins read

French Onion Dip Recipe [Vegan]

Kids love dip! And so do Moms and Dads Finding new ways to entice my kids to eat healthy foods is part of my job description. You know how it is with kids, one day strawberries are their favorite food, and the next day they hate them. Life with kids is about dancing with the flow, and staying on your toes.

1 min read

Our Romantic French Getaway

Proud to say we survived our first week-long getaway as grown-ups with no kids. I’m also proud for the reasons why we were never willing to part with our family for so long. You can only imagine the preparation it took to organize the lives of my four children so we could escape, of course dads always think it’s easy because they aren’t the kids’ concierge.

3 mins read

I Need a French Maid Outfit!

Im in my office. Its so nice to have some time to get organized, work on things that inspire me and write again. I have been spending some time in the ModernMom community, and I am truly enjoying hearing from many of you, reading your comments, and losing myself in your real life struggles. Thank you for sharing. Little Rain is with me pretending to be my assistant. I brought my son in the office with me the other day, of course he was not as good as Rain!

2 mins read

French Baby Names

French baby names, or prénoms, range from traditional names, such as the ever-popular Marie (which means “bitter”) to trendy names such as Acel (or Aceline), which means “noble.” Often, the French combine two names together to make one name, such as in the case of Anne-Marie or Jean-Luc. This common practice accounts for some of the most popular names in the country.