1 min read

Hemp Oil for Seizures?

Her child was dying and she sought out an alternative treatment and it worked. Charlotte has epilepsy and was having a severe seizure every 30 minutes and could barely sit up.  She was dying.  Her mother sought out the inventor of a hemp oil treatment that he developed in a nonprofit lab. The child is given small amounts…

2 mins read

New Tra-Dish: No Boiling Three Meat Pizza Lasagna

The following post is sponsored byRagPut a fun new spin on a classic recipe and make a New Tra-Dish! This week’s idea comes from Stephanie over atThe TipToe Fairy, who put a twist onRag’s No Boiling Lasagna recipe.Her creation: Three Meat Pizza Lasagna and oh boy, does it look delicious! We’re practically drooling just looking at the photos.Check out her post below:What is your …

5 mins read

Eating For Quality When Pregnant

There is a common misconception while pregnant, that eating for two means you need to consume more food. While pregnant you only need 250 -300 more calories then you do before you were pregnant. Chances are if you are eating a typical American diet you are getting way over the daily calories needed even without a baby growing inside. Instead of worrying about eating enough food, focus more on its value. Everything you put in your mouth goes right into your babys development, forming the structure from which they will grow. The healthier you eat the better you will feel and the stronger your body will be to support your pregnancy. You can shift your awareness simply asking yourself these two questions: How is this food feeding me? How is this fueling my babys development?

1 min read

Apple Pie Chia Seed Pudding Recipe

I’ve been loving this breakfast lately, and making it almost every single day, so of course I had to share. Who can resist apple pie flavors for breakfast? The best part…  It’s ultra-healthy! Delicious, satisfying, and 100% plant-based, you can feel so good about starting your day with it. Chia seeds are considered one the…