6 mins read

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes in Infants

Diabetes can affect individuals of any age, including infants and children. Knowing that your baby has diabetes can be really frightening. But by learning how to perform glucose testing and give insulin, you can help your child to grow up healthy. The first thing you need to do, though, is to keep your own stress level down. Your baby can sense if you feel anxious, so it is up to you to be as brave as your little one.

2 mins read


Known by the official taxonomy name of Stevia Rebaudiana, stevia is a herb in the chrysanthemum and daisy family that grows naturally as a small shrub in parts of South America. The green leaves of this plant contain large amounts of steviosides which account for its incredible sweetness. What is Stevia used for and why is it so good for us ?

2 mins read

Diabetes Pregnancy Diet

Babies receive nutrition from the foods that the mother eats, so all women should choose healthy foods when pregnant. Women who have diabetes, however, should take extra care. You have to maintain a healthy weight gain so that your baby is born healthy. Do this by carefully planning your diet to include nutritious foods.