4 mins read

Re-Discovering Yourself and Your Passions after Divorce

The desire to discover new passions is usually influenced by major changes in life. Retirement, marriage, birth and divorce are all life-changing events in which new passions may become nurtured. Divorce can inspire a person to rediscover and pursue a dormant passion that was not supported by their ex-spouse, like landscaping or jogging, or discover a new passion. Not all people have activities they are passionate about; yet they feel something is missing in their lives. Activities that a divorcing couple was passionate about together may not carry the same passion individually as it did when they were together. In these cases, a person may be at loss about how to discover new passions. Thankfully, discovering new passions is possible. With a little openness, adventure and fun, any one can discover new passions that bring joy to life.

3 mins read

Advice on Divorce

A stressful event for most people, divorce can create a great upheaval in your life. Like other difficult situations, developing a plan of action and a positive attitude can help you through this experience. Learning to cope with your emotions, while planning for your future, can cause stress and frustration. Focus on your priorities and learn to accomplish one thing at a time while you navigate the difficult turns and twists of the divorce process.

2 mins read

How to Make Friends After a Divorce

After a divorce, you may feel lonely and need the support of some good friends. Unfortunately, you may have lost some of your friends during the divorce, especially if they were his friends or the wives of his friends. What you need is a fresh perspective and a fresh set of friends. Making new friends can be difficult later in life, but it isn’t impossible. You simply have to make a conscious effort to get out there and be social.