8 mins read

Cue Sticks: Getting Started in Your Own Business

Some people know what their calling is at a very young age and that passion just sticks with them for life. Nancy Shapiro was born to teach. Now, she’s turned that gift of helping others into a business calledCue Sticks.Through Cue Sticks, Nancy teaches the power of positive thinking. Cue Sticks are daily reminders that come in the form of either a temporary tattoo or a sticker.

3 mins read

Top 10 Ideas for Starting a Business From Home for Moms

Leave the office politics behind and stay home with your small children by starting a home-based business. Juggling children and a business during the day comes with its own set of challenges, but the potential rewards make it worthwhile. Assess your skills set, financial situation and time constraints before digging in to give your new business the best possible chance of success.

2 mins read

The Best Home Business Ideas for Moms

The best home-based businesses for moms allow for flexible scheduling and the ability to earn a predictable income. Moms who work from home often do so to avoid putting their children in child care and to work around their children’s school and activities schedules. Since many work from home jobs can be scams, finding a legitimate home-based business is essential.