Leave the office politics behind and stay home with your small children by starting a home-based business. Juggling children and a business during the day comes with its own set of challenges, but the potential rewards make it worthwhile. Assess your skills set, financial situation and time constraints before digging in to give your new business the best possible chance of success.
Virtual Assistant
With the advancement of technology, more companies are hiring virtual assistants to take care of their administrative needs. Although training, equipment and an Internet connection is your responsibility, the hours are flexible and the profit potential lucrative, according to Entrepreneur.com.
Doggie Daycare
Cater to people who pamper their pooches by starting a home-based doggie daycare. Investigate any local zoning rules and state licensing before you start to be sure you are in compliance before welcoming Fido into your home.
Freelance Writer
Many companies hire freelance writers for their public relations, marketing and report-writing needs. Write press releases, marketing materials, articles or reports for a variety of companies. Related occupations include children’s author, novelist and blogger.
Event Planner
If you like a fast-paced job, can multi-task well, are organized and like to deal with a lot of different people, then an event planner business might be in your future. Organize and plan parties, conventions, sporting events or weddings from the comfort of your home. Be prepared for some time in the field, however, to assess venues and to meet with clients.
Daycare Provider
Although being a daycare provider might seem a cliche occupation for a stay-at-home mom, it is well-suited for those who already have small children in the home. The U.S. Small Business Administration cautions that the hours extend beyond a normal workday, but “the satisfaction of watching children grow and develop will be worth the extra effort.” Certain licenses might be required in your state.
Web Designer
If you have an eye for design or a background in graphics, consider becoming a web designer. Even small mom-and-pop shops have their own website, and if they don’t, they may be looking for someone local to work with them.
SEO Consultant
As more and more companies build an online presence, the need for qualified search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) professionals increases. SEOMoz.org states that many companies hires external SEO consultants for their specialized expertise and fresh perspective.
Online Marketing
Set up shop online and become the master of your own domain. Buy goods wholesale and sell them via your own website, or use drop shippers to make the process even easier. Several companies, like Amazon, eBay and Etsy, will help you to set up shop and sell your wares.
Gourmet Baked Goods
If you are in touch with your inner Julia Child, consider making baked goods your profession. Start small with just a few products that you can sell to local coffee shops. Be sure to check local and state laws on selling food items.
Editor or Proofreader
Many companies hire freelance proofreaders and editors on an ad hoc or contract basis. Although you will have to work against deadlines, you can work during the hours that you choose.