6 mins read

How Can We Keep Kids From Cheating in School?

For older generations, studying involved a trip to the library and poring over several tomes of information. Now, thanks to the Internet, students have quick research tools like Google and Wikipedia. That should mean that there is less work for them to do in order to find the information they need. If that’s the case, shouldnt studying be a simpler task for this generation? Shouldn’t kids be less likely to cheat in order to get ahead? Unfortunately, not so much.

9 mins read

July Astrology Reading

Once we get past the first two days, which are still tangled up in the gridlock of Pluto and Uranus square to the Sun, with teeth bared in some cases, power struggles and other matters like year end fiscal book closings, will be smoothed and organized in a business like way, even if employing a lawyer is what is called for.

3 mins read

Allergy to the Sun

Sun goddesses beware. If you notice that you get an itchy, red rash, particularly on your neck, the back of your hands, your arms or your legs, after being out in the sun, you may have a sun allergy. When your immune system recognizes your sun-altered skin and rejects it, your body fights by producing an allergic reaction, usually in the form of a rash. No one knows why some people have this sort of reaction, although you could have inherited the condition.