2 mins read

Meals That Pair With Corn on the Cob

There is no better taste of summer than fresh corn on the cob. This yummy family favorite goes well with just about everything, adding a touch of crunchy sweetness to the plate. Read on for some delicious main dishes to serve with corn on the cob for complete, family-friendly meals. Meals That Pair With Corn…

3 mins read

10 Ways to Ward Off That Winter Cold!

We’ve all experienced it – the stuffy nose, sore throat, exhausted feeling that has you reaching for the thermometer. There’s nothing worse than getting bogged down with a bad cold, especially during the holiday season. So here are ten easy tips for fighting off winter colds: 1. Rest Your body needs lots of it! That means instead of running all those errands, you get yourself in bed. You need to save your energy in order for your immune system to get rid of that cold. 2. Drink Plenty of Fluids

1 min read

Beat that Cold with Hot Turmeric Milk

In Ayurveda turmeric milk is used for coughs and colds. It is thought black pepper aids in the absorption of turmeric’s healing properties. Turmeric itself helps stop inflammation in the body and is used to help relieve swelling and pain. Turmeric is thought of as ‘natural aspirin’ in Ayurvedic medicine. Ginger is used to help…

3 mins read

Birth Control That Doesn’t Cause Weight Gain

Hormonal birth control, including the pill, patch, vaginal ring and birth control shots, is one of the most popular contraceptive choices. Unfortunately, while hormones are a great way to prevent pregnancy, they do come with side effects, including weight gain, according to the Women’s Health Resource website. Lower doses or alternate delivery methods can reduce the likelihood that you’ll gain, or you can opt for a different type of birth control altogether. Consider your options carefully to select a birth control method that works for you, prevents pregnancy and does not pack on the pounds.

2 mins read

What’s That Smell? Common Scents That Are Turn-Offs

The following is a guest article byRebekah Davis, founder and CEO ofSchool of Wash Humans – whether male or female, are driven to desire instinctively much like any other animal. Scent has the ability to change our mood for good or bad, conjure memories and incite positive or negative emotion.