3 mins read

Spring Allergies

After staying indoors for much of winter, spring is a welcome relief for most people. While the longer days, green grass and blossoming plants herald in the new season, they also bring the return of pollen. Spring allergies often occur because of pollen. If spending time outside in the spring makes your eyes start to water and your nose run, you may be one of the 40 million Americans suffering from springtime allergies.

20 mins read

Moon Sign Astrology- July 2011

Sea shells, pearls, all gifts of the sea symbolize the oceanic emotional nature of the sign of Cancer, which is ruled by the moon. The moon is one of the most important planets in astrology. Its placement in the birth chart speaks to our maternal element: it tells us about our feeling nature, our relationship to our mothers, the home environment; and most significantly, it is thought to represent the soul housed in the human body.

2 mins read

Gardening & Organic Pest Control

Growing beautiful flowers, fruits and vegetables sometimes means battling against leaf-chomping pests and disfiguring diseases. Organic pest control involves a combination of smart planning and picking your battles in the garden. When you forgo all chemical pesticides, you may give up a few petals or a some peas in the pod, but the trade-off is a safe garden for your family and your pets.