2 mins read

Examples of Calorie-Based Diet Programs to Lose Weight

While fad diets offer weight loss solutions that cut one food group or combine foods, the basic answer to weight loss involves cutting calories. You can use a calorie-based diet on your own or you can opt for a diet program that keeps a watch on caloric intake for you. Smart dieters choose healthy, high fiber foods to stay full and feel good while watching their overall calorie count.

3 mins read

How Diet Delivery Programs Work

Diet delivery programs offer busy people a way to jump start a diet. The diet delivery programs need to be combined with a regular exercise program of moderate exercise for 30 minutes, four times a week. People on these diets also need to drink eight glasses of water a day and reduce or eliminate empty calorie beverages. These prepared food programs vary greatly in menu offerings, customization options, delivery locations and price. Some meals claim to be gourmet and combine the benefits of a dietitian with a personal chef, while other services focus on low-fat meals, high-protein foods or other diet approaches.

3 mins read

5 Metabolism Boosting Foods To Add To Your Diet

A higher metabolism can only increase your chances for weight loss success. Eating foods that speed up your metabolism will help your body to burn energy which in turn, will help you meet your weight loss goals faster. Below is a list highlighting five easy ways to do this. Try them out over the next…

3 mins read

Is Stress Killing Your Diet?

The human body is an amazing machine. It has evolved to develop protective responses to stressors. Sure, the stress we experience today is much different than centuries ago (thank goodness we’re not battling traffic and T-Rexes), but our bodies are programmed to respond in the same way.