2 mins read

How to Establish Healthy Exercise Routines in Children

The American Heart Association recommends 60 minutes of daily physical activity for children. This does not have to be all at the same time — you can split it up into several sessions. Children aren’t likely to follow a typical adult’s exercise schedule. Instead, you should look for activities that are fun for your child. When you form fitness habits from a young age, your child is likely to continue them throughout his lifetime.

2 mins read

Toning Exercise Routines for Women

Toning exercise routines for women can strengthen specific areas, elongate muscles and burn fat. Whether or not your goal is to lose weight, toning exercises will improve your appearance and mental attitude and build confidence. Remember to stay hydrated while exercising and to stop a toning exercise at the first sign of pain. Your goal is to work your body without causing an injury.

2 mins read

What Are Some Good Exercise Routines?

Creating some basic exercise routines can help you stay on track when it comes to your fitness. Adding some variety by rotating exercise routines alleviates boredom and makes it easier to stick to a consistent exercise schedule. Basic cardio exercises and strength training can give you more energy throughout the day and prevent many health problems related to obesity.

3 mins read

Posture Exercises for Kids

Children can be terrible slouchers! You know the symptoms- shoulders down, stomach out, back hunched. There is no time like the present for your kids to learn good habits. In fact, the sooner, the better. Even if you children do not have medical conditions, such as scoliosis, which cause back problems, they can still benefit from doing posture exercises. After all, many children spend part of their days in rigid school chairs or slouched on couches watching television or playing video games. Keep exercises short and pain-free to ensure they stick with the routine! And maybe skip balancing books on their head…