2 mins read

How to Write a Pregnancy Announcement

Finding out you’re pregnant is an exciting time for parents. When and how you announce a pregnancy should be fun, and not stressful. Make the announcement when you and your husband are both ready. The announcement should come in the form of a phone call when initially telling your parents and your best friends. If you have other children, they should also be among the first to know. Everyone else, from aunts and uncles to friends and acquaintances near and far can receive a more formal pregnancy announcement.

4 mins read

Funny Pregnancy Tips

You’ve been to the doctor, the bookstore, the baby store and are ready to tell the world your big news–you are expecting. While the doctor is full of wise medical information on your condition, there are also a million books to help you along the way. The stores are also packed with advice-giving clerks and fellow mothers-to-be. You may find that what you really need is to discover the lighter, more humorous, side of being pregnant.

6 mins read

Killing Off Supermom

I’ll be honest with you. In my house, the beds are rarely made unless someone is coming to visit. Sometimes I yell. My closet is a disaster and I feel guilty that I work too much. My kids watch more TV than they should. And I simply cannot afford to go all organic right now. There is a sticky shelf in my refrigerator that I keep hoping will evaporate on its own, and this morning I had to send my son off to camp with a PB&J made with frozen waffles because I forgot to buy bread. I’m not perfect. There, I said it. Bye Bye Supermom