3 mins read

Organ Development During Pregnancy

The development of a baby in utero is truly remarkable. Only a few weeks pass between the time an egg is fertilized and the heart begins to beat. While the organs may grow rapidly, some are not fully functional until the baby is full-term and ready to be born. Others, such as the heart, are functional before the end of the first trimester of pregnancy.

2 mins read

How to Stop Child Bed-Wetting

It’s a frustrating experience for everyone when a child wets the bed, but don’t blame or become angry with your child. He isn’t doing it on purpose. In fact, chances are he inherited this condition from you or from a close relative. Children who wet the bed tend to be deep sleepers who don’t feel their bladders being full, so they don’t get up to urinate, wetting the bed instead. For most kids, bed-wetting stops by itself, but you can take some measures to help.

3 mins read

Is it Normal to Feel a Slight Pain in the Side When Pregnant?

Although people may insist that your pregnancy has you glowing, you may not feel like you fit that description. In fact, the common discomforts of pregnancy can disturb your sleep and have you wondering if everything is progressing normally. Mild discomforts are a normal part of pregnancy, but some types of pain may signify a condition that requires medical treatment. An unusual pain in the side may be nothing more than an ordinary symptom of a stretching uterus, or it could be something more serious.

2 mins read

Excessive Thirst During Pregnancy

Some women are said to have skin that glows during pregnancy. It’s possible this glow is caused in part by all that water you are drinking. Excessive thirst during pregnancy is common, according to AskDrSears.com. In most cases, the reasons you are so thirsty can be attributed to normal changes in the body during pregnancy.